Civilization VI Wiki

Once a District has been built in a City, players can begin populating it with correlating Buildings. Buildings can be built through the "Production Menu" similarly to how the district was built. Some buildings have prerequisites, such as other buildings (they'll show up grayed out) or Technology or Civic requirements (these buildings will not be visible in the Production menu). Some buildings are available to build before any districts are placed, such as the Monument. These buildings reside in the Icon City Center City Center.

The Palace[ | ]

The palace is a special building in Civilization VI that's part building, part wonder. The palace appears in the first city you build, which makes that city the Icon Capital Capital of your empire. If your capital city is captured, your palace will be rebuilt in another city, making that city your new capital. If you subsequently retake your original capital, the palace will move back to its original location. The palace provides a small amount of Icon main production Production, Icon main science Science, Icon main gold Gold, and Icon Culture Culture to your civilization, as well as a single Great Work slot.

Maintenance[ | ]

In addition to the Icon main production Production cost, most buildings will have a per-turn maintenance cost to keep them in prime shape. You can review the different maintenance costs for each of the given Buildings or in the Civilopedia, or within the tooltip of each building on the production menu. You can also review the maintenance costs of all your buildings by mousing over the Icon main gold Gold icon at the very top of the UI screen.

Specialists[ | ]

Main article: Specialists

List of buildings[ | ]

List of Ancient Era Buildings
Building Name District Buildings Provide Additional Bonus Requirements Icon main production Cost
Icon building granary Granary Icon district city center City Center +1 Icon main food Food
+2 Icon housing Housing
Requires a City Center District. 50 Icon main production Production
Icon building monument Monument Icon district city center City Center +2 Icon Culture Culture Requires a City Center District. 50 Icon main production Production
Icon building shrine Shrine Icon district holy site Holy Site +2 Icon Faith Faith +1 Icon unitoperation found religion Great Prophet Point per turn Requires a Holy Site District. 50 Icon main production Production
Icon building library Library Icon district campus Campus +2 Icon main science Science +1 Icon unitoperation scientist action Great Scientist Point per turn Requires a Campus District. 53 Icon main production Production
Icon building walls Ancient Walls Icon district city center City Center City Defense Requires a City Center District. 80 Icon main production Production
Icon building barracks Barracks Icon district encampment Encampment +1 Icon main production Production
+1 Icon housing Housing
+1 Icon unitoperation general action Great General Point per turn.
+25% combat experience for all melee and ranged units trained in this city. May not be built in an Encampment District that already has a Stable.
Requires a Encampment District.
65 Icon main production Production
Icon building water mill Water Mill Icon district city center City Center +1 Icon main food Food
+1 Icon main production Production
Rice and Wheat Resources are +1 Food each. City must be adjacent to a River. Requires a City Center District. 65 Icon main production Production
List of Renaissance Era Buildings
Icon building shipyard Shipyard Icon district harbor Harbor +1 Icon unitoperation admiral action Great Admiral Point per turn. +25% combat experience for all naval units trained in this city. Bonus Icon main production Production equal to the adjacency bonus of the Harbor District. Requires a Harbor District. 265 Icon main production Production