Civilization VI Wiki

The various Improvement in Civilization VI.

Improvements are built by particular units on almost any tile within your cities that is not occupied by a city center, district, mountain, natural wonder, or world wonder. The type of improvement that can be built on a tile is determined by the qualities of the tile including the terrain and resources.


Improvement Yield Bonus (Research Requirement) Tile Requirement Prerequisite Built By Notes
Icon improvement farm Farm +1 Icon main food Food, +0.5 Icon housing Housing
+1 Icon main food Food per 2 adjacent Farms (Feudalism until Replaceable Parts)
+1 Icon main food per adjacent Farm (Replaceable Parts)
Grasslands, Plains None Builder Does not remove Floodplains
Icon improvement camp Camp +1 Icon main gold Gold, +0.5 Icon housing Housing
+1 Icon main production Production (Mercantilism)
+1 Icon main gold Gold (Synthetic Materials)
Fur, Ivory, Deer, or Truffles Animal Husbandry Builder Provides a copy of the Luxury Resource
Icon improvement pasture Pasture +1 Icon main production Production, +0.5 Icon housing Housing
+1 Icon main food Food (Exploration)
+1 Icon main production Production (Robotics)
Cattle, Sheep, or Horses Animal Husbandry Builder If built on Horses, provides a copy of that Strategic Resource
Icon improvement mine Mine +1 Icon main production Production
+1 Icon main production Production (Apprenticeship)
+1 Icon main production Production (Industrialization)
Hill terrain or mineable resource Mining Builder If built on appropriate Strategic or Luxury resource, provides a copy of that resource
Icon improvement quarry Quarry +1 Icon main production Production
+1 Icon main gold Gold (Banking)
+1 Icon main production Production (Rocketry)
Stone, Marble, or Gypsum Mining Builder If built on Gypsum or Marble, provides a copy of that Luxury Resource
Icon improvement fort Fort Occupying unit receives +4 Defense Strength and 2 turns of fortification Flat or Hill terrain Siege Tactics Military Engineer -
Icon improvement plantation Plantation +1 Icon main gold Gold, +0.5 Icon housing Housing
+1 Icon main food Food (Scientific Theory)
+1 Icon main gold Gold (Globalization)
Specific resources Irrigation Builder If built on appropriate Luxury Resource, provides a copy of that resource
Only gets the bonus from Globalization once even if researched multiple times
Icon improvement lumber mill Lumber Mill +1 Icon main production Production
+1 Icon main production Production (Steel)
+1 Icon main production Production if adjacent to a River
Woods Machinery Builder Does not remove Woods
Icon improvement fishing boats Fishing Boats +1 Icon main food Food, +0.5 Icon housing Housing
+1 Icon main gold Gold (Cartography)
+1 Icon main food Food (Plastics)
Coast or Ocean resource Sailing Builder If built on Pearls or Whales, provides a copy of that resource
Icon unitoperation build route Roads Ancient: Flat movement cost of 1 regardless of terrain.
Classical: Bridges (move across rivers with no penalty)
Industrial: Movement cost reduced to 0.75.
Modern: Movement cost reduced to 0.5.
Passable terrain - Military Engineer, Trader Road bonuses vary by era
Icon improvement airstrip Airstrip Supports up to 3 air units Flat terrain Flight Military Engineer -
Icon Seaside Resort Seaside Resort +2 Icon Tourism Tourism and +1 Icon main gold Gold per Appeal Coastal terrain with appeal of Breathtaking or above Radio Builder -
Icon improvement oil well Oil Well +2 Icon main production Production Oil Resource on land Combustion Builder Provides a copy of the Oil resource
Icon improvement offshore oil rig Offshore Platform +2 Icon main production Production Oil resource on water Plastics Builder Provides a copy of the Oil resource
Icon improvement missile silo Missile Silo Weapon Capacity: 1 Flat terrain Rocketry Military Engineer Allows placement and launch of nuclear weapons

Unique Tile Improvements[]

Improvement Yield Bonus (Research Requirement) Tile Requirement Prerequisite Built By Country Notes
Template:Alcázar Alcázar +2 Icon Culture Culture
Occupying unit receives +4 Icon map pin strength Defense Strength, and automaticly gains 2 turns of fortification
- - Builder Granada City-State Suzerain bonus
Icon improvement chateau Château +2 Icon Culture Culture
+2 Icon Culture Culture if adjacent to a Wonder
+1 Icon main gold Gold if adjacent to a Luxury Resource
Adjacent to River Humanism Builder France
Icon improvement colossal head Colossal Head +2 Icon Faith Faith
+1 Icon Culture Culture (Humanism)
+1 Icon Faith Faith per 2 adjacent Woods or 2 adjacent Rainforest
Not Snow - Builder La Venta City-State Suzerain bonus
Icon improvement great wall Great Wall Units gain +4 Icon map pin strength Defense Strength and 2 turns of fortification
+1 Icon main gold Gold per adjacent Great Wall (Masonry)
+1 Icon Culture Culture per adjacent Great Wall (Castles)
- Masonry Builder China
Icon improvement kurgan Kurgan +1 Icon Faith Faith, +1 Icon main gold Gold
+1 Icon Faith Faith per adjacent Pasture
Flat land Animal Husbandry Builder Scythia
Icon improvement mission Mission +2 Icon Faith Faith
+2 Icon main science Science (Cultural Heritage)
+2 Icon Faith Faith if not on home continent
+1 Icon main science if adjacent to a Campus district
- Exploration Builder Spain
Template:Monastery Monastery +2 Icon Faith Faith
+15 HP healing for friendly religious units on this tile that has not attacked this turn
- - Builder Armagh City-State Suzerain bonus
Icon improvement roman fort Roman Fort Units gain +4 Icon map pin strength Defense Strength and 2 turns of fortification - Iron Working (for Legion) Legion Rome
Icon improvement sphinx Sphinx +1 Icon Culture Culture, +1 Icon Faith Faith
+1 Icon Culture Culture (Natural History)
+2 Icon Faith Faith if adjacent to a Wonder
Not adjacent to another Sphinx Craftsmanship Builder Egypt Does not remove Floodplains
Icon improvement stepwell Stepwell +1 Icon main food Food, +1 Icon housing Housing
+1 Icon Faith Faith (Feudalism)
+1 Icon housing Housing (Sanitation)
+1 Icon main food Food (Professional Sports)
+1 Icon Faith Faith if adjacent to a Holy Site district
+1 Icon main food Food if adjacent to a Farm
Flat land not adjacent to another Stepwell Irrigation Builder India
Icon improvement ziggurat Ziggurat +2 Icon main science Science
+1 Icon Culture Culture (Natural History)
+1 Icon Culture Culture if adjacent to a River
Flat land - Builder Sumeria

See Also[]
