Civilization VI Wiki

Resources are special commodities found in limited quantities on the map. In Civilization VI, when a resource is worked (or there's production), it provides bonuses to an empire. To work a resource, players need to use a builder to either construct a specific tile improvement (on land) or build a Icon improvement fishing boats Fishing Boats (on water), or they can settle a City on top of the resource. Bonuses range from an increased yield (production, food, etc.) to gaining access to a number of strategic and luxury resources such as Iron, Uranium, and Gold, some of which are necessary for producing specific units and buildings. Resources also provide more happiness to Icon citizen Citizens.

Bonus resources[]

Bonus resources provide local yield boosts of Icon main food food, Icon main production production, or Icon main gold gold when improved.

Bonus resources may be harvested, which permanently removes the resource in return for 25 times their yield (on Normal speed).

Founding a city on a bonus resource does not grant any additional resource yield beyond the resource yield already shown on the tile. This means a city does not act like an improvement on a bonus resource.[1]

The Bonus Resources in Civilization VI
Resource Resource Yields Improved by Notes
Bananas Bananas +1 Icon main food Food Icon improvement plantation Plantation -
Cattle Cattle +1 Icon main food Food Icon improvement pasture Pasture -
Copper Copper +2 Icon main gold Gold Icon improvement mine Mine -
Crabs Crabs +2 Icon main gold Gold Icon improvement fishing boats Fishing Boats -
Deer Deer +1 Icon main production Production Icon improvement camp Camp -
Fish Fish +1 Icon main food Food Icon improvement fishing boats Fishing Boats -
Rice Rice +1 Icon main food Food Icon improvement farm Farm +1 Icon main food with Water Mill
Sheep Sheep +1 Icon main food Food Icon improvement pasture Pasture -
Stone Stone +1 Icon main production Production Icon improvement quarry Quarry -
Wheat Wheat +1 Icon main food Food Icon improvement farm Farm +1 Icon main food with Water Mill

Strategic resources[]

These resources are required to build certain units. Most are invisible until revealed by a particular technology.

Building the appropriate improvement on a strategic resource gives access to 1 copy of that resource. With 2 copies of a strategic resource any City may build any number of units requiring that strategic resource. A City with the appropriate district (Encampment, Harbor, or Aerodrome) or a civilization with the Resource Management policy (unlocked by Conservation) only requires 1 copy.

Unique units never require strategic resources.

Founding a city on a strategic resource provides the strategic resource but not the resource yields.

The Strategic Resources in Civilization VI
Resource Resource Yields Revealed by Improved by Required for
Aluminum Aluminum +1 Icon main science Science Icon tech advanced flight Advanced Flight Icon improvement mine Mine Jet Bomber
Jet Fighter
Coal Coal +2 Icon main production Production Icon tech steam power Steam Power Icon improvement mine Mine Ironclad
Horses Horses +1 Icon main food Food
+1 Icon main production Production
no tech required

(Animal Husbandry with early Gathering Storm livestreams)

Icon improvement pasture Pasture Horseman
Iron Iron +1 Icon main science Science Icon tech bronze working Bronze Working Icon improvement mine Mine Swordsman
Niter Niter +1 Icon main food Food
+1 Icon main production Production
Icon tech gunpowder Gunpowder Icon improvement mine Mine Musketman
Oil Oil +3 Icon main production Production Icon tech combustion Combustion Icon improvement oil well Oil Well (on land)
Icon improvement offshore oil rig Offshore Oil Rig (on water, requires Plastics)
Aircraft Carrier
Uranium Uranium +2 Icon main production Production Icon tech nuclear fission Nuclear Fission Icon improvement mine Mine Modern Armor
Nuclear Submarine

Luxury resources[]

These resources provide Icon Amenities Amenities to cities. A city can only benefit from a single luxury resource once. By default each unique luxury resource provides 4 Icon Amenities Amenities (i.e. +1 Icon Amenities Amenities to each of up to 4 cities), however, a few provide 6. Having more than one copy of a luxury resource provides no additional direct benefit, but they may be traded away to other civilizations.

Founding a city on a luxury resource provides the luxury resource as well as the resource yields.

The Luxury Resources in Civilization VI
Resource Resource Yields Improved/Accessed By
Amber +1 Culture Mine
Cinnamon Cinnamon (off-map) Accessible only though the Suzerain bonus of the City-State of Zanzibar.
6 Icon Amenities Amenities (1 per city).
Citrus Citrus +2 Icon main food Food Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Cloves Cloves (off-map) Accessible only though the Suzerain bonus of the City-State of Zanzibar.
6 Icon Amenities Amenities (1 per city).
Cocoa Cocoa +3 Icon main gold Gold Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Coffee Coffee +1 Icon Culture Culture Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Cosmetics Cosmetics (off-map) Accessible only through Icon unitoperation merchant action Great Merchant Helena Rubinstein (Atomic Era).
Cotton Cotton +3 Icon main gold Gold Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Diamonds Diamonds +3 Icon main gold Gold Icon improvement mine Mine
Dyes Dyes +1 Icon Faith Faith Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Furs Furs +1 Icon main food Food
+1 Icon main gold Gold
Icon improvement camp Camp
Gypsum Gypsum +1 Icon main production Production
+1 Icon main gold Gold
Icon improvement mine Mine
Incense Incense +1 Icon Faith Faith Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Ivory Ivory +1 Icon main production Production
+1 Icon main gold Gold
Icon improvement camp Camp
Jade Jade +1 Icon Culture Culture Icon improvement mine Mine
Jeans Jeans (off-map) Accessible only through Icon unitoperation merchant action Great Merchant Levi Strauss (Atomic Era).
Marble Marble +1 Icon Culture Culture Icon improvement quarry Quarry
Mercury Mercury +1 Icon main science Science Icon improvement mine Mine
Pearls Pearls +1 Icon Faith Faith Icon improvement fishing boats Fishing Boats
Perfume Perfume (off-map) Accessible only through Icon unitoperation merchant action Great Merchant Estee Lauder (Information Era).
6 Icon Amenities Amenities (1 per city).
Salt Salt +1 Icon main food Food
+1 Icon main gold Gold
Icon improvement mine Mine
Silk Silk +1 Icon Culture Culture Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Silver Silver +3 Icon main gold Gold Icon improvement mine Mine
Spices Spices +2 Icon main food Food Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Sugar Sugar +2 Icon main food Food Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Tea Tea +1 Icon main science Science Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Tobacco Tobacco +1 Icon Faith Faith Icon improvement plantation Plantation
Toys Toys (off-map) Accessible only through Icon unitoperation merchant action Great Merchant John Spilsbury (Industrial Era).
Truffles Truffles +3 Icon main gold Gold Icon improvement camp Camp
Whales Whales +1 Icon main food Food
+1 Icon main gold Gold
Icon improvement fishing boats Fishing Boats
Wine Wine +1 Icon main food Food
+1 Icon main gold Gold
Icon improvement plantation Plantation

Artifact resources[]

Artifacts can be unearthed by Archaeologists after building an Archaeological Museum. They function as Great Works and are stored in the Archaeological Museum of the City where the Archaeologist was built.

The Terracotta Army Wonder allows Archaeologists to enter foreign lands without Open Borders.

The Artifact Resources in Civilization VI
Resource Revealed By Notes
Antiquity Site Antiquity Site Civic Natural History Natural History On land
Shipwreck Shipwreck Civic Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage On water