The various Special Abilities from each of the civilizations depending on their leaders and their Leader Bonuses.
List of abilities[]
- Founding Fathers (America): Earn all government legacy bonuses in half the usual time.
- The Last Prophet (Arabia): Guaranteed Great Prophet if the second-to-last Great Prophet is chosen.
- Legend of the Five Suns (Aztecs): Spend Builder charges to complete 20% of the original district cost.
- Amazon (Brazil): Rainforest tiles provide +1 adjacency bonus for Campus, Commercial Hub, Holy Site, and Theater Square districts. Rainforest Tiles provide +1 Housing for Neighborhoods built adjacent to them.
- Dynastic Cycles (China): Eureka! and Inspiration! bonuses provide 60% of Civics and Technologies instead of 50%.
- Iteru (Egypt): Districts and Wonders are built 15% faster if placed adjacent to a River. Floodplains do not block placement of districts and wonders.
- British Museum (England): Each Archaeology Museum holds 6 Artifacts instead of 3 and can support 2 Archaeologists at once.
- Grand Tour (France): +20% Production toward Medieval, Renaissance and Industrial era Wonders. Tourism from wonders of any Era is doubled.
- Free Imperial Cities (Germany): Can build one more Districts than the Population Limit would normally allow.
- Plato's Republic (Greece): Gets an extra wildcard slot no matter which government is chosen.
- Dharma (India): Receives Follower Belief bonuses in a city from each Religion that has at least 1 follower.
- Meiji Restoration (Japan): All Districts receive an additional standard adjacency bonus for being adjacent to another district.
- Nkisi (Kongo): Bonus Food, Production and Gold from each Relics, Artifact and Great Work of Sculpture. Bonus Great Artist and Great Merchant points each turn.
- Knarr (Norway): Norwegian Units gain the ability to enter ocean tiles after research Shipbuilding. Naval melee units heal in neutral territory. Units ignore additional movement costs from embarking and disembarking.
- People of the Steppe (Scythia): Combat Units receive a bonus vs. wounded opponents, and heal when defeating a unit.
- Treasure Fleets (Spain): Trade Routes between continents give additional yields; can combine Units into Fleets.
- All Roads Lead to Rome (Rome): All cities start with a Trading post, and new cities in Trade Routes range of your Capital will automatically have a road going to them. Trade route going through your cities earn extra Gold.
- Grand Embassy (Russia): Receives Science or Culture from trade routes to more advanced civilizations.
- Epic Quests (Sumeria): When you capture a Barbarian Outpost, receive a Tribal Village reward in addition to the usual Gold. Pay half the usual cost to levy City-State units.