Civilization VI Wiki
Technology Tree

The Tech Tree in its complete beta form

Technology is one of the driving forces behind civilization. Technological advances in agriculture and fishing caused cities to grow and thrive. Technological advances in weaponry and masonry allowed cities to drive off jealous barbarians seeking to steal their food and plunder their wealth. And technological advances in medicine and sanitation fought off the other great threat to civilization – disease.

Players acquire technology by accumulating "science," which represent the amount of science a civilization possesses. Every turn a civilization generates an amount of science that can be used for research. Each technology costs a certain amount of science to learn; the more science generated each turn the shorter the amount of time it takes to research each technology. Players can also obtain technology from some Tribal Villages. This is not guaranteed, but it's another good reason to search them out and claim them before anybody else does.

Most technologies have a "Eureka" objective / bonus. This bonus is a sort of Quest (such as "Meet another Civilization" or "Build a Quarry") which when completed, will award a research credit worth 50% of the science previously needed to unlock that tech. Players can get the research credit whether or not they are currently researching the technology in question.

Ancient Era[ | ]

The Ancient Era Technologies
Technology Cost Era Unlocks Eureka Boost Notes
Icon tech pottery Pottery 25 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon building granary Granary Allows harvesting of Wheat and Rice.
Icon tech animal husbandry Animal Husbandry 25 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon improvement pasture Pasture, Icon improvement camp Camp, Icon improvement kurgan Kurgan Allows harvesting of Cattle.
Icon tech mining Mining 25 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon improvement mine Mine, Icon improvement quarry Quarry Allows clearing of Woods and harvesting of Copper.
Icon tech sailing Sailing 50 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon unit galley Galley, Icon unit norwegian longship white Viking Longship, Icon Fishing Boats Fishing Boats Found a city on the Coast. Allows Builders to embark.
Icon tech astrology Astrology 50 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon building shrine Shrine, Icon building stonehenge Stonehenge, Icon Holy Site Holy Site, Icon Holy Site Lavra Find a natural wonder.
Icon tech irrigation Irrigation 50 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon building hanging gardens Hanging Gardens, Icon improvement plantation Plantation, Icon improvement stepwell Stepwell Farm a resource. Allows clearing of Marsh.
Icon tech writing Writing 50 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon building library Library, Icon Campus Campus Meet another civilization.
Icon tech archery Archery 50 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon unit archer Archer Kill a unit with a Slinger.
Icon tech masonry Masonry 80 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon building walls Ancient Walls, Icon building pyramids Pyramids, Icon unit battering ram Battering Ram, Icon improvement great wall Great Wall Build a Quarry. Allows harvesting of Stone.
Icon tech bronze working Bronze Working 80 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon building barracks Barracks, Icon Encampment Encampment, Icon unit spearman Spearman, Icon unit greek hoplite Hoplite Icon resource iron Iron Kill 3 Barbarians. Allows chopping of Rainforest.
Icon tech wheel Wheel 80 Icon main science Ancient Era Icon building water mill Water Mill, Icon unit heavy chariot Heavy Chariot, Icon unit egyptian chariot archer Maryannu Chariot Archer Mine a resource.

Classical Era[ | ]

The Classical Era Technologies
Technology Cost Era Unlocks Eureka Boost Notes
Icon tech celestial navigation Celestial Navigation 120 Icon main science Classical Era Icon Lighthouse Lighthouse, Icon Great Lighthouse Great Lighthouse, Icon Harbor Harbor Improve 2 sea resourcess. Allows Traders to embark, and allows harvesting of Icon Resource Fish Fish.
Icon tech currency Currency 120 Icon main science Classical Era Icon Market Market, Icon Commercial Hub Commercial Hub Make a Icon stats land trade Trade Route.
Icon tech horseback riding Horseback Riding 120 Icon main science Classical Era Icon Stables Stable, Icon unit barbarian horseman Horseman Build a Pasture.
Icon tech iron working Iron Working 120 Icon main science Classical Era Icon unit swordsman Swordsman Build an Iron Mine.
Icon tech shipbuilding Shipbuilding 200 Icon main science Classical Era Icon Colossus Colossus, Icon Quadrireme Quadrireme Own 2 Galleys. Allows all land units to embark.
Icon tech mathematics Mathematics 200 Icon main science Classical Era Icon Petra Petra Build 3 different specialty districts. +1 Icon map pin movement Movement for all naval units
Icon tech construction Construction 200 Icon main science Classical Era Icon Terracotta Army Terracotta Army, Icon unit siege tower Siege Tower Build a Water Mill.
Icon tech engineering Engineering 200 Icon main science Classical Era Icon Aqueduct Aqueduct, Icon Catapult Catapult Build Ancient Walls.

Medieval Era[ | ]

The Medieval Era Technologies
Technology Cost Era Unlocks Eureka Boost Notes
Icon tech military tactics Military Tactics 300 Icon main science Medieval Era Icon Huey Teocalli Huey Teocalli, Icon unit pikeman Pikeman, Icon unit japanese samurai Samurai Kill a unit with a Spearman.
Icon tech apprenticeship Apprenticeship 300 Icon main science Medieval Era Icon Workshop Workshop, Icon Industrial Zone Industrial Zone Build 3 Mines. +1 Icon main production Production to the Mine Improvement.
Icon tech stirrups Stirrups 390 Icon main science Medieval Era Icon unit knight Knight Have the Feudalism civic.
Icon tech machinery Machinery 300 Icon main science Medieval Era Icon unit crossbowman portrait Crossbowman, Icon Lumber Mill Lumber Mill Own 3 Archers.
Icon tech education Education 390 Icon main science Medieval Era Icon University University, Icon Hagia Sophia Hagia Sophia Earn a Great Scientist.
Icon tech military engineering Military Engineering 390 Icon main science Medieval Era Icon Armory Armory, Icon Military Engineer Military Engineer, Icon Road Medieval Road Build an Aqueduct.
Icon tech castles Castles 390 Icon main science Medieval Era Icon Medieval Walls Medieval Walls, Icon Alhambra Alhambra Have a government with 6 policy slots. Bonus Icon Culture Culture for Great Wall improvement for adjacency. Gain the ability to construct a Spy if playing as Catherine de' Medici.

Renaissance Era[ | ]

The Renaissance Era Technologies
Technology Cost Era Unlocks Eureka Boost Notes
Icon tech cartography Cartography 540 Icon main science Renaissance Era Icon Caravel Caravel Build 2 Icon Harbor Harbors +1 Icon main gold Gold from the Fishing Boat improvement. All naval and embarked units can navigate Ocean tiles. +1 Icon map pin movement Movement for embarked units.
Icon tech mass production Mass Production 540 Icon main science Renaissance Era Icon Shipyard Shipyard, Icon Venetian Arsenal Venetian Arsenal Build a Lumber Mill
Icon tech banking Banking 540 Icon main science Renaissance Era Icon Bank Bank, Icon Great Zimbabwe Great Zimbabwe Have the Guilds civic. +1 Icon main gold Gold from the Quarry improvement.
Icon tech gunpowder Gunpowder 540 Icon main science Renaissance Era Icon unit musketman Musketman, Reveals Icon Resource Niter Niter Build an Armory.
Icon tech printing Printing 540 Icon main science Renaissance Era Icon Forbidden City Forbidden City Build 2 Universities. Provides one more level of diplomatic visibility on all other civilizations. All Icon Tourism Tourism yields from Icon Great Works of Writing Great Works of Writing are doubled.
Icon tech square rigging Square Rigging 660 Icon main science Renaissance Era Icon unit frigate Frigate Kill a unit with a Musketman.
Icon tech astronomy Astronomy 660 Icon main science Renaissance Era Icon Potala Palace Potala Palace Build a University adjacent to a Mountain.
Icon tech metal casting Metal Casting 660 Icon main science Renaissance Era Icon unit bombard Bombard Own 2 Crossbowman.
Icon tech siege tactics Siege Tactics 660 Icon main science Renaissance Era Icon Renaissance Walls Renaissance Walls, Icon Fort Fort Own 2 Bombards.

Industrial Era[ | ]

The Industrial Era Technologies
Technology Cost Era Unlocks Eureka Boost Notes
Icon tech industrialization Industrialization 805 Icon main science Industrial Era Icon building factory Factory, Icon building ruhr valley Ruhr Valley, Icon Road Industrial Roads Build 3 Workshops. +1 Icon main production Production to the Icon Mine Mine improvement.
Icon tech scientific theory Scientific Theory 805 Icon main science Industrial Era Icon building oxford university Oxford University, Research Agreement Have The Enlightenment civic. Allows Research Agreement diplomatic action. +1 Icon main food Food from the Icon Plantation Plantation Improvement.
Icon tech ballistics Ballistics 805 Icon main science Industrial Era Icon unit field cannon Field Cannon Have 2 Icon Fort Forts in your territory.
Icon tech military science Military Science 805 Icon main science Industrial Era Icon building military academy Military Academy, Icon unit cavalry Cavalry, Icon unit french garde imperiale Garde Impériale Kill a unit with a Knight.
Icon tech steam power Steam Power 925 Icon main science Industrial Era Icon Ironclad Ironclad, Reveals Icon Resource Coal Coal Build 2 Shipyards. +2 Icon map pin movement Movement for embarked units.
Icon tech sanitation Sanitation 925 Icon main science Industrial Era Icon Sewer Sewer, Icon Medic Medic Build 2 Neighborhoods. Stepwell improvements receive +1 Icon housing Housing.
Icon tech economics Economics 925 Icon main science Industrial Era File:Icon Stock Exchange.png Stock Exchange, File:Icon Big Ben.png Big Ben Build 2 Banks.
Icon tech rifling Rifling 925 Icon main science Industrial Era File:Icon Ranger.png Ranger Build a Icon Resource Niter Niter Icon Mine Mine.

Modern Era[ | ]

The Modern Era Technologies
Technology Cost Era Unlocks Eureka Boost Notes
Icon tech flight Flight 1,035 Icon main science Modern Era File:Icon Hangar.png Hangar, Icon Aerodrome Aerodrome, File:Icon Observation Balloon.png Observation Balloon, File:Icon Biplane.png Biplane, Icon Airfield Airstrip Build an Industrial Era or later wonder. Bonus Icon Tourism Tourism to all improvements that provide Icon Culture Culture.
Icon tech replaceable parts Replaceable Parts 1,035 Icon main science Modern Era File:Icon Infantry.png Infantry Own 3 Musketman. Upgrades Farm Improvements to Mechanized Agriculture. +1 Icon main food Food Adjacency bonus for every Farm Improvements they are adjacent to.
Icon tech steel Steel 1,035 Icon main science Modern Era Icon Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower, File:Icon Artillery.png Artillery, File:Icon Battleship.png Battleship Build a Icon Resource Coal Coal Icon Mine Mine. +1 Icon main production Production from the Icon Lumber Mill Lumber Mill Improvement.
Icon tech electricity Electricity 1,135 Icon main science Modern Era File:Icon Seaport.png Seaport, File:Icon Power Plant.png Power Plant, File:Icon Submarine.png Submarine Own 3 Privateers.
Icon tech radio Radio 1,135 Icon main science Modern Era File:Icon Broadcast Center.png Broadcast Center, Icon Seaside Resort Seaside Resort Build a National Park.
Icon tech chemistry Chemistry 1,135 Icon main science Modern Era File:Icon Research Lab.png Research Lab, File:Icon AT Crew.png AT Crew Complete a Research Agreement.
Icon tech combustion Combustion 1,135 Icon main science Modern Era File:Icon Tank.png Tank, Icon Oil Well Oil Well, Reveals Icon Resource Oil Oil, Icon Road Modern Roads Extract an Icon notification discover artifact Artifact. +1 Icon map pin movement Movement for embarked units.

Atomic Era[ | ]

The Atomic Era Technologies
Technology Cost Era Unlocks Eureka Boost Notes
Icon tech advanced flight Advanced Flight 1,225 Icon main science Atomic Era File:Icon Airport.png Airport, File:Icon Fighter.png Fighter, File:Icon Bomber.png Bomber, Reveals Icon Resource Aluminum Aluminum Build 3 Biplanes.
Icon tech rocketry Rocketry 1,225 Icon main science Atomic Era Icon Missile Spaceport, Icon Missile Silo Missile Silo, Icon Launch Earth Satellite Launch Earth Satellite Boost through Great Scientist or Spy. +1 Icon main production Production from the Icon Quarry Quarry improvement.
Icon tech advanced ballistics Advanced Ballistics 1,225 Icon main science Atomic Era File:Icon Anti-Air Gun.png Anti-Air Gun, File:Icon Machine Gun.png Machine Gun Build 2 Power Plants.
Icon tech combined arms Combined Arms 1,225 Icon main science Atomic Era File:Icon Aircraft Carrier.png Aircraft Carrier, File:Icon Destroyer.png Destroyer Build an Airstrip.
Icon tech plastics Plastics 1,225 Icon main science Atomic Era Icon Offshore Oil Rig Offshore Oil Rig Build an Icon Oil Well Oil Well. +1 Icon main food Food to Icon Fishing Boats Fishing Boats.
Icon tech computers Computers 1,375 Icon main science Atomic Era Have a government with 8 policy slots. Grants the ability to construct an additional Spy. All Icon Tourism Tourism yields are doubled.
Icon tech nuclear fission Nuclear Fission 1,375 Icon main science Atomic Era File:Icon Manhattan Project.png Manhattan Project, File:Icon Build Nuclear Device.png Build Nuclear Device, Reveals Icon Resource Uranium Uranium Boost through Great Scientist or Spy.
Icon tech synthetic materials Synthetic Materials 1,375 Icon main science Atomic Era File:Icon Helicopter.png Helicopter Build 2 Aerodromes. +1 Icon main gold Gold to Icon Camp Camps.

Information Era[ | ]

The Information Era Technologies
Technology Cost Era Unlocks Eureka Boost Notes
Icon tech telecommunications Telecommunications 1,540 Icon main science Information Era Icon Nuclear Submarine Nuclear Submarine Build 2 Broadcast Centers.
Icon tech satellites Satellites 1,540 Icon main science Information Era File:Icon Mechanized Infantry.png Mechanized Infantry, File:Icon Launch Moon Landing.png Launch Moon Landing Boost through Great Scientist or Spy.
Icon tech guidance systems Guidance Systems 1,540 Icon main science Information Era File:Icon Rocket Artillery.png Rocket Artillery, File:Icon Mobile SAM.png Mobile SAM Kill a Fighter.
Icon tech lasers Lasers 1,540 Icon main science Information Era File:Icon Jet Fighter.png Jet Fighter, File:Icon Missile Cruiser.png Missile Cruiser Boost through Great Scientist or Spy.
Icon tech composites Composites 1,540 Icon main science Information Era File:Icon Modern AT.png Modern AT, File:Icon Modern Armor.png Modern Armor Own 3 Tanks.
Icon tech stealth technology Stealth Technology 1,540 Icon main science Information Era File:Icon Jet Bomber.png Jet Bomber Boost through Great Scientist or Spy.
Icon tech robotics Robotics 1,795 Icon main science Information Era File:Icon Launch Mars Habitation.png Launch Mars Habitation Have the Globalization civic. +1 Icon main production Production to Icon Pasture Pastures.
Icon tech nuclear fusion Nuclear Fusion 1,795 Icon main science Information Era File:Icon Launch Mars Reactor.png Launch Mars Reactor, File:Icon Operation Ivy.png Operation Ivy, File:Icon Build Thermonuclar Device.png Build Thermonuclar Device Boost through Great Scientist or Spy.
Icon tech nanotechnology Nanotechnology 1,795 Icon main science Information Era File:Icon Launch Mars Hydroponics.png Launch Mars Hydroponics Build an Icon Resource Aluminum Aluminum Icon Mine Mine.
Icon tech future tech Future Tech 2,050 Icon main science Information Era Can be completed multiple times, increasing your points towards the Score Victory.

See also[ | ]
